Tag: LifeWay Voices

What Do We Really Mean When We Say We Love God?

Need-love and gift-love were the marrow of the Christianity of my youth, and these two things are a part of the love of God.

Bringing Your Friends to Jesus

We can learn three powerful lessons about evangelism from the paralytic's friends in Mark 2.

Following a Dangerous (But Good) God

Jesus never promised us safety if we follow him, but his will is good.

How to Leverage Social Media for Good

There are many ways to misuse social media. It is so easy spread information that is incomplete, to join a nasty mob taking down...

Rediscovering the Living Hope of Advent

What does it mean to be born to a living hope?

Why We Should Keep Sharing Christ, Even With the Same People

Reasons to persevere in evangelism

5 Ways to Deepen Your Prayer Life

What to do when you feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling and you’re just going through the motions.

Answering Next-Gen Questions About Faith

The next generation has questions about faith and the church we should be paying attention to.