Tag: D. Scott Hildreth

The Power of Your Story to Draw People to Faith

Your testimony is a powerful tool to contextualize the gospel for people who don't yet know Christ.

Bringing Your Friends to Jesus

We can learn three powerful lessons about evangelism from the paralytic's friends in Mark 2.

Why You Don’t Need to Be ‘Gifted’ to Share Your Faith

“Don't wait on the gift. Be the gift to someone else.”

Keeping Our Eyes on the Mission in Divided Times

No matter what's going on, the Great Commission is still our mission on earth.

Why We Should Keep Sharing Christ, Even With the Same People

Reasons to persevere in evangelism

Reaching College Students

The Mission Field and Mission Force in Our Midst

What if Evangelism Isn’t Your Gift?

Encouragement for when you do not feel like you can share your faith.

How to Up Your Evangelism Game This Summer

Through the years, I have learned that effective evangelism results from intentionality.