
Pastorpedia is a resource provided to you by CE National, a church effectiveness ministry. 

Pastorpedia: Is Going to Church and Being the Church the Same?

And How to Encourage People to Be the Church

Where Will the Next Church Leaders Come From?

A Video Resource of CE National, a church effectiveness ministry

Pastorpedia: Leading People Post-COVID-19

A Video Resource of CE National, a church effectiveness ministry

Pastorpedia: Values, Goals and Your Church

Do We Need Them? Or Do We Just ‘Follow God’?

Pastorpedia: Weak Spots for Pastors

The weaknesses pastors can easily slide into if they're not careful

Pastorpedia: How Do We Honor Seniors and Church Veterans?

Recognizing the people who have invested long-term in your church

Pastorpedia: What Counts as Discipleship?

What does discipleship look like?

Pastorpedia: Racial and Political Prejudice

How should we talk about issues of politics and race in our churches?