
The Timeless Whisper’s Been Here All Along

To a world on edge, defensive, and hurting, Christians have a responsibility to not only listen to God but also to speak Good News in a way that can actually be heard.

Charlie Dates: The Indestructible Power of the Gospel

Jesus lived 33 years, walking on water as it recognized its creator King and became a solid. He turned water into wine. He welcomed sinners and the marginalized into his company. And then, he died—that is, until death died. Until sin apologized. Until the earth rocked and reeled like a drunken man. Until the sun could no longer stand seeing its own creator crucified to a tree, so it pulled the shade across the noonday. They laid him in a borrowed tomb, but early Sunday morning, before the sun got up, the Son pulled one foot out of eternity, stepped back into time, and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matt. 28:18).

What Type of Leader Are You?

Spend some time reflecting on your current leadership model by writing down the pluses and minuses of where your leadership stands and see if tweaks could be made to make you a more effective leader.

The 5 Most Popular Myths About the Brain

These days, talk about brains fills magazine articles, PBS specials, radio programs and popular journals. A growing number of fields of study see a...

A Season of Waiting

Excerpted FromResuscitating EvangelismBy Jordan & Ernest Easley Most of us hate waiting. It doesn’t matter if we’re waiting for our family to get ready for...

Stephen Witmer: Big Gospel, Small Places—Part 1

Ministering in small towns is neither idyllic nor dull. It is real life.

Stephen Witmer: A Vision for Small-Town Ministry—Part 2

We should want bigger and faster more and need it less.

New Small Group Resources

This year more than any other, gearing up for the fall small group season will look different for churches. As groups form to study...

Stand Still and Watch God Work

Excerpted FromEnter WildBy Carlos Whittaker Be Still Let’s rewind a few centuries back to the days of Moses so we can all realize we’re not alone...

Stay Salt: A Conversation With Rebecca Manley Pippert

When I wrote Out of the Saltshaker 40 years ago, it was such a different world. What’s changed today? Well, we’re dealing with the...