Try This: Neighborhood Welcome Gift Bags

What better way to welcome new members into the community than with a thoughtful gesture? Have volunteers assemble goodie bags containing info about your church services, brochures about sights around the city, home-baked goods, and “coupons” for free yard work or moving help courtesy of your church members. Stick the goodie bags in the new family’s mailbox or hand-deliver, along with a treat or meal.

Every year over 45 million people move to a new home and begin looking for a way to connect in their new neighborhood and make new friends. With the New Mover Program from Outreach Inc.,
Outreach magazine’s parent company, your church can easily send an invitation to these families to join the caring and supportive community at your church. Click here to learn more »

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Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

3 Faiths From the Story of Job

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Podcasting Ministry the Easy Way

By transforming livestreams into podcasts, ministries can transcend geographical boundaries and time constraints, and build communities beyond physical barriers.