The Eternal Current

The Eternal Current
How a Practice-Based Faith Can Save Us from Drowning
(WaterBrook, 2018)

WHO: Aaron Niequist, a worship leader, song-writer and pastor in the Chicago area.

HE SAYS: “Formational liturgy is all about participating in a holistic work of the people with God and one another that forms us into Christlikeness for the sake of the world.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book is about loving one’s faith tradition and, at the same time, adopting some new spiritual practices.

With an emphasis on having a well-balanced approach to faith formation, the author develops a practice-based liturgy that helps us intentionally become more Christlike.
Through 10 chapters, Aaron looks at different spiritual practices and what a practice-based faith would look like, what a practice-based gathering of believers would be and how a practice-based life would develop.
Next, he talks about ecumenism, relating to our community and family, and practiced-based mission.
Additional resources and suggested next steps are available at

“You and I don’t need more ideas or complex philosophies. We need t put the ideas we have already learned into practice.”

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