The Science of Virtue

The Science of Virtue
Why Positive Psychology Matters to the Church
(Brazos Press, 2017)

WHO: Mark McMinn, professor of psychology and director of integration in the graduate department of clinical psychology at George Fox University.

HE SAYS: “I offer four reasons for reading this book: because it is worth knowing something about positive psychology, because positive psychology needs the church, because the church needs positive psychology, and because positive psychology can help Christian counselors thing creatively about their work.”

THE BIG IDEA: The church and the science of positive psychology can collaborate and learn from one another.

The author provides a Christian perspective on positive psychology by examining some of the most important topics in the science: wisdom, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, hope and grace.

“This book can profoundly affect psychologists, pastors, and theologians, but its value to the person in the pew is its real strength.”

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“It’s high time a Christian psychologist explores the insightful and helpful field of positive psychology from a biblical perspective. This book shows us how we can learn from it—and how it can learn from the church. Mark McMinn does this masterfully.”

Evaluated by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, founders of the marriage assessment, and authors of The Good Fight, Crazy Good Sex and Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.

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