
E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.

How Does Church Planting Benefit the Sending Church?

Can giving away your best people be a good thing?

How Does Understanding God’s Happiness Change Lives?

As much as I believe in the holiness of God, I also believe in emphasizing God’s happiness as a legitimate and effective way to share the gospel with unbelievers or to help Christians regain a foothold in their faith.

4 Ways Churches Can Embrace Refugees

The annual ceiling for refugee admissions to America is likely to be raised. Are we ready to serve them?

Benefits of Being Physically Active

Over the course of a few months, you can go from couch potato to pastor who has better health, more energy, and greater strength to tackle everything that God has called you to. Strive for that.

Ruth Haley Barton: Saved by Rest

God, who knows us best, has given us the Sabbath as a gift.

Going Beyond Cosmetic Changes

A new church sign is not going to reverse the decline in attendance.

You Need to Hear (and Share) These Life-Giving Truths

I once had a pastor say, “Ron, you’re a giant killer!” He encouraged me to kill giants for the Kingdom of God. It changed the trajectory of my life. I possibly wouldn’t be serving the church as I am today without those words. They came at just the right time in my life.

Sharing the Gospel Helps Teens Grow in Their Faith

From early on, my son and daughter were equipped to share the Gospel. Articulating it consistently has helped them improve their communication skills as they interact with others.

Can We Make Evangelism Enjoyable?

When the church has been the most focused on reaching people, it has also been the most creative.

Grieving With Those Who Grieve

In the sensitive moments soon after a tragedy, it is important we remember as churches we exist to live out the mission of Jesus to seek and save that which is lost.