
Does God Still Love You?

We cannot earn more of God's love or lose any of it because His love for us is unconditional. He loves us fully and completely, no matter what we do.

Hearing God

But imagine this. What if you had a handwritten note sent to you from God? Would you carry it around in your pocket for a couple of weeks and open it when you got around to it?

20 Things I Learned From ‘God Shines Forth’

“To get a right and true understanding of God (and to correct any faults and distortions we may continue to pick up) we must look to the Son.” -Daniel Hames and Michael Reeves

Navigating the Election With Responsibility and Peace

When we vote, we’re not binding our consciences to a particular candidate. We are simply trying to better our country as best we can. Part of “loving your neighbors” is caring about issues affecting them (not just issues affecting you).

When God Calls Ordinary People

Have you ever looked at a young person with extraordinary talents and gifts–looks, presence, brains, personality, and eloquence–and thought, “God is going to do great things with them?”

God’s Goodness in Our Struggles

Our lives are filled with tragedy until we see our pain through the lens of God's goodness.

5 Ways to Think Higher and Live Bigger

Keep pursuing Jesus, thinking of his endurance against hostility, to avoid weariness and despair.

Guarding Your Heart and Mind Against Anxiety

The truth is God isn’t surprised by anything that happens to us in this world. When we feel anxious or worried, it can be helpful to remember that God is not surprised by our circumstances.

Why the Next Generation Needs the Book of Ecclesiastes

This is the generation that has been born with the internet, with no cords, with constant access to any and everything. And yet less and less wonder, and more and more cynicism.

What the Book of Proverbs Tells Us About Wisdom

Wisdom is about reality. It’s about real-life decision-making in real-life situations. And that is, indeed, a powerful thing.

What Do Secular Studies on Happiness Have in Common with the Bible?

A naturalistic worldview that embraces randomness, ultimate meaninglessness, and survival of the fittest doesn’t lend itself to happiness.