Therefore I Have Hope

Therefore I Have Hope
12 Truths That Comfort, Sustain, and Redeem in Tragedy
(Crossway, 2018)

WHO: Cameron Cole, director of children, youth and family at the Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama.

HE SAYS: “My tragedy has not disrupted the narrative of my life. My story remains God’s story, and that is a story of redemption.”

THE BIG IDEA: In order to offer hope and comfort to readers, the author explores the 12 key theological truths that became his lifeline following the death of his son.

Structured in three sections—“The Initial Shock,” “The New Normal” and “The Long Haul”—this book tackles what happens when a Christian faces “the Worst,” something that they could not imagine living through.
Part 1 includes the pivotal truths someone needs in the moments of trauma when the Worst happens. Part 2 contains theological concepts needed as the initial shock wears off. The final section discusses important doctrines that help the reader persevere meaningfully.

“Never will I have a satisfactory explanation in this life, but I take comfort in knowing that God is good and his ways are perfect.”

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Cameron Cole
Cameron Cole

Cameron Cole serves as director of youth ministries at the Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama, and is the chairman of Rooted, a ministry dedicated to fostering gospel-centered student ministry.

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