Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie is the senior pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside and Irvine, California, and founder of Harvest Crusades, large-scale evangelistic events that are held across the world.

Only Two Options Regarding Faith

World changers have an active, not passive, faith. Faith is like a muscle. The more we use it, the stronger it becomes.

What Do You Live For, Really?

What are you passionate about? That is what you will live for. Some people are enduring life instead of enjoying it. Their favorite day of the week is someday: “Someday it will get better.”

The Christian Life — You’re Either Climbing or Slipping

When Jesus Christ is who he ought to be in our lives, we won’t be looking for other things to take his place. We won’t be looking for sin to fill the void in our lives, because we’ll be satisfied in our relationship with him.

Reaching the ‘Hopeless Generation’

Hope for the loneliest generation

The Titan Disaster: A Collection of Reflections

May the "God of all comfort" be with those who lost loved ones aboard Titan. I pray that those on board called on the Lord, and if they did, I know the Lord heard them.

Why Attending Church Matters

Here is why the church exists: for the glorification of God, the edification of the saints, and the evangelization of the world. In other words, for 'upward, inward, and outward" purposes.

More Than Finding Common Ground

No matter which generation we’re sharing the gospel with, the message does not change. The gospel that the apostles delivered in the first century is still the one being shared today.

A 60-Second Gospel

In this video, I present the gospel in one minute to make it simple. Watch and share with anyone who needs to hear it!